Sunday, November 9, 2008

Go Red Raiders!!

We got back from Lubbock this morning at 3:30--yes that's a.m. The game was so much fun! It was SO crowded and rowdy! Chan loved it. He said the girls at Tech are much hotter than the girls here in Austin. We've been looking for a replay of the game, but so far haven't found one.

Alec finished with marching band Friday night. Monday night will be the first night that he doesn't have to go back to school for two and a half hours on a Monday night since August!

Chan finished football. They either tied for 1st place in district or first place outright. We won't know for sure until tomorrow.

It's just two weeks until we are in Dumas! Yea!! We won't be going to Oklahoma since we chose to watch the Red Raiders in Jones Stadium instead of Oklahoma and we can't afford to do both.:(
At least we will all see each other at mom's!

I've added a few pictures. We don't have any trick or treaters in our house anymore (sad) but I did add some of me at last year school events, so that should be plenty scarey! :)

Can't wait to see everyone!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Chan's watching Tech play A & M with me (stupid Tech defense!) and wanted me to post his record. They are 7-0 right now with 3 games left in the season. It's pretty exciting!

Kyle is still looking for a job. I think everyone is waiting on the election results to hire anyone. He has a lead right now, but we just have to wait and see.

Alec is going to competition again today.

Countdown to Thanksgiving: 34 days! =D

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I can't believe one six weeks of school is already finished! Time has flown by so fast! There's only four football games left in the season for Chan's team, and Alec and the band will be through around the middle of November. Band has really changed since I was in it! Alec has to go to some competition every Saturday in October, plus all the varsity football games on Friday night! He really loves high school. One of his favorite classes is an engineering class. Chan still thinks school is just something to be tolerated, but football and all the "hot chicks" make it worth it.

My class is awesome!! They are so much fun and pretty well-behaved. After the past couple of years I was beginning to think I was going to have to quit teaching since I kept getting such big discipline problems!

I guess I'll be seeing everyone in November! I checked on line for OU/Tech tickets, and they still have some available. I can't wait to see all the Okies in our family now! I'm also excited that most of us will get to be together again! And with a new baby too!!

Oh, and tonight I got the award for teacher of the month at the Lion's Club. That was fun plus they gave me a hundred dollars. Yippeee! It's really not that big of a deal. All the teachers at school take turns nominating someone who hasn't ever had it, and I've been able to talk people out of nominating me until this month. :)

I'll try to add some pictures. I don't have a lot of new ones yet, but just got a new camera, so I'm hoping to have a lot more taken soon!

Can't wait to see you all! Love you!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Didn't want to be left out!!

Well, with everyone else getting a page I didn't want to be the only one without! I check everyone's page every time I'm sitting and watching TV just to see what everyone is up to!

School has been going on for a week now. My class is such a sweet class. Such a change from last year and the problems that I had! I have 20 students and my room is VERY crowded, but we are supposed to be in our new school next year. It's being built in our neighborhood which will be nice also! I can't wait!

Alec started high school. I can't believe he and Stetson are that old. He can't wait to get his permit in December when he turns 15. He's in the band and plays percussion. He spends all his extra time texting all his friends. All you hear from his room is the little jingle that means he has another text! Two of them that he gets the most from are girls and I think they like him, but he just grins when I ask him about it.

Chan is in 7th grade and playing school ball now!!! Thanks goodness!! No more Saturdays traveling around going to football games all day! He fell at practice the other day and we had to take him to have his arm xrayed. Nothing but a small hairline fracture. He doesn't like school one bit, but really likes flirting with the girls and apparently has a very HOT social studies teacher! He's hilarious!

I have been volunteered to run the cotton candy machine at the football home games on Saturday with my neighbor. Oh boy! It's harder than it looks! I've already had one practice session with the machine and came out with cotton candy stuck in my hair, my eyelashes, and all over my clothes. Of course, I think I ate more than I actually bagged up!

Kyle is still looking for a job! We keep praying and I don't know how many resumes he has sent out. Keep praying for us. I know something will come up.